Customers who contract you for an application often do not have enough expertise to design such an application by themselves, which is why they hire you.When discussing requirements with customers, guide them when they’re suggesting bad solutions. For example, if the customer says,“I want a chat that displays full-screen images of every chatter, refreshed at least every second,” you might make this counter-suggestion:“Wouldn’t it be better to try to stick to thumbnail views next to each line? Most of your chatters won’t have enough bandwidth to display full-screen pictures at all.”
But be careful; never insist on your point of view (except when customers want you to implement unrealistic features). After all, customers pay you to implement their vision.To avoid losing a contract, you may have to accept temporarily implementing a bad solution (when you see that you can’t talk the customer into doing it the right way), and then later on change it when the customer sees that it won’t work out using their strategy.
Taken from :
Web Application Development with PHP4 by Tobias Ratschiller and Till Gerken
(Copyright © 2000 by New Riders Publishing)
Masuk akal juga yang diomongin sama si Tobias dan konconya itu. Terutama pada bagian-bagian yang saya bold. Tapi menyebalkan sekali yah kalau kita harus mengimplementasikan solusi yang salah hanya untuk mengajarkan kepada costumer bahwa pilihan mereka itu buruk.
Yaaah...namanya juga usaha buat nyari duit...
Bai de wei…rajin amat gw baca buku ginian yah?!
Hohoho…kalo bukan gara-gara KP doank mah…