Finally i got a chance to use my tele lens in a short holiday trip with mom and my sister. I used secondhand 55-250 mm Canon EFS IS lens I bought from Kaskus several while ago. In the middle of my activities taking photos, I accidentally dropped my DSLR camera. I was totally SHOCKED! Fortunately, it's still normally functioned, although with some deep scratch in some part of its body. Sorry, baby... :"(
Anyway, i've just found out that Image Stabilizer (IS) feature in my tele lens was really useful in helping me produce quite sharp picture. I casually tried to turn it off and I got a blur photos, especially in the low light situation. I always enjoy taking candid photos and see the expressions of people. Maybe I should be paparazzi, hehe...

Weird kid I saw in city hall (Click to enlarge)

Guardian of arc de triomphe? (Click to enlarge)
Some pictures below are another random point and click (i should really learn more about composition :"P), but I love the colors. But since currently I don't have picture editors in this computer, i haven't edit the brightness and contrast yet. So please understand if the pics are too bright or too dark. Hehe...

Another wodden toys I fall in love with (Click to enlarge)
Kitchen berries (Click to enlarge)
Ah, what a colourful day.
Have a nice weekend, everybody! :)