Adam Brown

Barusan saya lagi leyeh-leyeh di kantor, tiba2 dapat email di Yahoo!
Isinya ngasih tau kalo ada posting komen baru di otakusut. Pas saya cek, gataunya dari Adam Brown.
adam brown has left a new comment on your post "To Kill A Mockingbird":

Hi, this is not so related to your page, but it is the site you asked me 1 month ago about the abs diet. I tried it, worked well.
Well here is the site
Ya ampun ... si Adam Brown ini apa kabarnya yah? Perasaan saya kenal juga nggak. Mau jualan kok pake fitnah! Ini masih mending soale cuma jualan alat buat bikin perut six pack. Coba bayangin, gimana kalo komennya begini :
Hi, this is not so related to your page, but it is the site you asked me 1 month ago about obat buat ngilangin ambeyen. Hope you get well soon. Well here is the site.
Itu kan namanya memfitnah aib seseorang. Yasutra, balik to leyeh-leyeh ah ...


Unknown said...

la bulan kemaren kan kamu emang minta website buat ngatasin ambeyen lel, aku inget kok...hihihihi

Rika The Lost Wanderer said...

wah lel, klo gw dpt kunjungan dari Barb Michelen: "here is the site I told you about where I type some stuff and make good money (I work from home): ...."
yeahh emg kpn kita ngobrol nya nyooong!

Anonymous said...

Ado jeng..
Untung nama keluarganya Brown, bukan Levine. Kalo Levine, udah ta' garuk imelnya. MIIAAUUUWWW!!!